Each client is unique, and so are our approaches

Informed Consent

My name is Leanne Cameron and I am a Counselling Therapist registered with the Nova Scotia College of Counselling Therapists (#18-002) as well as the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (#12659). I have an advanced diploma in Addictions and a Master of Education in Counselling from Acadia University. I am trained in Internal Family Systems, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Processing Therapy, Motivational Interviewing and Mindfulness. I draw upon Attachment Theory and Polyvagal Theory while I use a trauma-informed, client-centred, solution-focused approach. I have worked as a clinical supervisor for two private in-treatment addiction facilities where trauma and maladaptive coping skills were examined as well as worked as an addiction counsellor for NS Health.

As your therapist, I will work collaboratively with you to determine your needs and goals. We will periodically reassess our work to determine how you feel and if more pertinent issues emerge that require attention. There may be times I will need to consult another professional regarding your treatment and progress. If this happens, your identity will not be disclosed unless I have received written approval from you. If I feel you would benefit from the services of another therapist, I will advise.

Your right to confidentiality is a priority. There are instances, however, where I am ethically bound by the Code of Ethics for the CCPA (Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association, 2015) to break that confidentiality. Those instances include: disclosure is necessary to prevent clear and imminent danger to my client or others; legal requirements demand confidentiality is revealed, and when a child is in need of protection. Should any of those instances arise I will advise you of this breach of confidentiality.

Sessions will be conducted by telephone or by video-conferencing (Zoom). I will make every effort to ensure the technology is working properly. I will guarantee I am alone and that there are no other persons involved or within proximity to me during our session, respecting your right to confidentiality.

If a third party is involved in your therapy, such as your employer, it may be necessary that I remit reports regarding your progress. You will be advised as such of any correspondence I am responsible for, should this situation be a part of our relationship. There may be other obligations when a third party is involved in treatment and we will review those conditions prior to the beginning of our relationship to ensure we are both aware of any extraordinary implications from that party.

I will keep case notes on your progress in a secured location. Your information will not be shared with anyone without your written consent and approval, with the exception of the instances stated regarding the Code of Ethics for the CCPA. You have the right to view your file at any time. I will retain your file for a period of 7 years from your termination of treatment date. After that period, I will ensure that your file is destroyed in a secure manner. Exceptions to this rule will occur if your file involves a legal action for which I have been subpoenaed.

I charge an hourly rate of $165 for individual counselling sessions. It is both of our responsibility to be on time for sessions. I will remit invoices by email to you after each session. I do accept various insurance policies, some which I can direct bill and others that you will need to remit on your own. Payment is due immediately after our session and I accept payment by e-transfer or credit card. My services are tax deductible when you file your yearly income tax.

As a self-employed practitioner, I require cancellations of appointments 24 hours prior to the appointment. I recognize that there are times this is not possible because of circumstances like unexpected illness or family emergencies. If you do not advise me that you are unable to make the appointment, I reserve the right to charge you the full fee for the missed appointment.

I have the right to terminate services with you if I feel the objectives and goals of our work have been met, I feel you no longer benefit from our sessions, there is an outstanding balance owed to me for a prior session if a third party has put limitations on the duration of our sessions, or if I feel endangered for any reason. You have the right to terminate our relationship as well at any point.

Communication with me is through my work email at leannecameron@youandimproved.ca or by calling me at 1-902-295-8019. I do not use text as a means of communication with my clients. This is to ensure your privacy is secured and that all of our communication is managed in one location for my reference. When you cannot reach me and there is an emergency, you can access support by calling the Nova Scotia Health Authority Mental Health crisis line at 1-888-429-8167 (toll-free), calling 911, or seeking help at your local hospital.

If I do not receive any feedback from you regarding the conditions outlined in this informed consent, I will assume you accept them as such, and we will begin our work under the terms outlined.

E. Leanne Cameron, M.Ed, RCT(#18-002), CCC (#12659)